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Paws Up Professional Dog Obedience Training, LLC 
Class Registration Form:
Classes you are registering for:
Dog's Sex
Is the dog spayed/neutered?
Has your dog ever bitten a person or dog?
Does dog or handler have any physical handicaps I should be aware of?
Have you ever trained your dog in obedience, tricks or rally anywhere else before?
Does the handler have previous experience?
Is your dog reactive to: (Please check all that apply)

I hereby certify that I will indemnify and hold harmless Paws Up Professional Dog Obedience Training, LLC and all persons connected therewith in any capacity whatsoever from any and all liability, cost and expenses for injury or damage to persons or property caused by any dog brought by me to a training class or other event held or sponsored by Paws Up Professional Dog Obedience Training, LLC. I release Paws Up Professional Dog Obedience Training, LLC and all persons connected therewith in or in any capacity whatsoever from any and all liability, cost and expenses for any injury to my person or property sustained at the training classes or any event held or sponsored by Paws Up Professional Dog Obedience Training, LLC; and that I assume the risk of such injury and damage.

I will require a copy of your dogs health and shot records as well as payment for class at least one week prior to the start of the class in order to secure your spot.

Any questions please contact me at:

(724) 299-1472 or 

Note for all classes: Makeup classes will only be held if the class is cancelled by the instructor. Refunds will not be given unless the entire class is cancelled by the instructor. Refunds will not be given after attendance of the first class. Class schedule may change at any time due to inclement weather, illness, death in family, etc. and refunds will not be provided due to schedule changes.

Thanks for registering! I look forward to seeing you and your dog in class!

Please check all that apply to your dog:
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